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I thought I knew my daughter

שבית ליפשיץ

My twelve year old daughter participated in our workshop Beshvil - For the Connection”.

Up until that moment I was sure I knew her so well, but when we reached the point in the workshop where we choose our five most important values, she really surprised me.

Beshvil - For the Connection Workshop
Beshvil - For the Connection Workshop

I knew that the two most important things for her were:

The choir, she participates twice a week plus performances,

and the Gifted Education Program which she goes to once a week.

This is her fifth year of participation in both.

I knew that nothing could make her forgo either one of them, unless there was a clash between them, in which case she would have to make a painful choice.

What surprised me was that at the top of of her priority list of values, she placed friendship.

Once I understood that “friendship” was more important to her than self-expression, curiosity and wisdom, it became very clear what her choice would be when faced with a dilemma:

Whether to go to her good friend’s Bat Mitzvah or to the Gifted Program.

Indeed, it was not an easy dilemma, but once it became very clear to her (and to me), what her leading values were, making the choice was so much easier, and it was so much less painful to forgo the other.

I invite you to come to our Beshvil - For the Connection” with your son / daughter and discover together what their leading values are.

And besides, you will get to enjoy four hours of fun, challenges and shared experiences.

See you at the workshop,



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